教育领导硕士(EDLS) +行政许可计划不仅为您准备21世纪的教育需求,而且还提供了在俄亥俄州获得学校管理许可的途径. 我们的教育领导课程以最新的内容和教育管理领域的杰出领导人的指导为特色, 确保你具备必要的知识和技能,在当今的教育环境中成为一名优秀的学校管理者. Additional programs include a stand-alone Building Principal licensure, Superintendent licensure and 课程, Instruction and Professional Development licensure.
During your educational leadership classes, you will acquire 技能 and capabilities in critical areas such as:
- 学校的气候
- Professional ethics
- 学校安全
- School administration programs
这些领域的知识将为你提供其他大学课程根本无法提供的技能和性格, 使葡京平台线上的教育领导硕士学位成为一个创新的项目,为你在21世纪的教育管理职业做好准备. 在教育领导学位课程期间的特定许可课程和顶点活动将为您通过行政许可所需的俄亥俄州教育工作者教育领导测试评估做好准备.
节省时间和金钱. 在线硕士教育和执照所需的学时数最近有所减少, saving you time and money.
- Internship has decreased from six hours to four hours, although it will still be completed over a full academic year.
- Acquiring administrative licensure has decreased from nine to six hours.
展示你的确切能力:课程由一学分的模块组成,分组为两或三学分的课程. 你的成绩单上列出的这些单独的模块可以很容易地展示你所获得的能力.
Flexible scheduling options: All program, capstone and licensure models are offered in a seven-week format, giving you more flexibility.
更新的课程:新的课程模块与关键的州和国家专业标准保持一致,如教育领导组织委员会标准, Ohio Principal Standards, the Ohio Assessment for Educators Educational 领导 standards and more, preparing you to pass tests required for administrative licensure.
How Do I Know If This Program Is Right for Me?
该项目旨在为学校建设和中心办公室的职责做好准备. 这个项目提供了灵活性,允许你根据你的职业目标来调整你的学习. 您可以将本课程的课程作业申请到俄亥俄州教育部颁发的建筑校长或课程管理专家执照, Instruction and Professional Development. 无论您是渴望在建筑层面上发挥领导作用,还是为课程开发和专业成长做出贡献, 我们的课程为您提供在各种教育领导角色中脱颖而出所需的知识和技能.
查看 学术目录 or M.Ed. in Educational 领导 Checksheet for complete degree requirements.
Some of the courses you'll take include:
- 课程 Foundation Course
- 愿景 & Goals for School Leaders
- Critical Concepts in Fiscal Resource Management
- Critical Concepts in Human Resource Management
- Theories of Instructional 领导
- Issues Impacting Student Achievement
- Professional Development in Education
- The 愿景ary School Leader
- Transforming Organizational Climate & 文化
- 安全 & Crisis Management for Educational Leaders
- 管理. Internship III Building Principal 管理. 活动 or CIPD 管理. 活动
Licensure Disclosure: 这个项目是为那些打算在俄亥俄州找工作的学生准备的,只准备学生在俄亥俄州获得执照. |
Superintendent Licensure
我们的俄亥俄督学执照轨道提供有抱负的教育领导者有机会推进他们的职业生涯,并对教育系统产生深远的影响. 考生必须持有教学执照,并在校长或行政专家执照下至少有三年的学校行政管理经验,才有资格获得督学执照. 该项目提供全面的培训和实践经验,为候选人应对复杂的挑战和俄亥俄州及其他地区领导学区的责任做好准备.
Building Principal Licensure
我们的建筑许可轨道旨在为教育工作者在建筑层面的领导角色做好准备. To qualify for the Building Principal License, applicants must possess a master’s degree, 持有临时或专业教师执照,在适当的年级成功任教两年, 并通过了俄亥俄州教育工作者教育领导能力测试. This program provides aspiring educational leaders with the knowledge, 技能, 要想成为优秀的校长,领导他们的学校走向卓越的教育,就需要证书.
课程, Instruction, & Professional Development Licensure
Our 课程, Instruction, & 专业发展执照课程是为有志于在课程中担任地区领导角色的个人量身定制的, 指令, and professional development. To qualify for the license, applicants must hold a master’s degree, 在持有临时或专业教师执照的情况下,有两年成功的教学经验, and have passed the Ohio Assessment for Educators Education 领导 Test. 该计划为教育工作者提供了推动教育创新所需的专业知识和证书, implement effective 指令al strategies, and foster professional growth within school districts.
Can You 给 Me a Glimpse of My Future?
你在教育领导和管理方面的专业知识使你能够领导学校改进的举措, develop and implement curriculum standards, 指导和支持教师,并与利益相关者合作,以提高学生的成绩.